Friday, June 22, 2007


Everyone Gets A Gift!
Place any order of $35 or more during my Retirement Party sale (June 22-26) and receive a large set of Inspiration Sheets chock-full of ideas, color combos & instructions. (Inspiration Sheets are also retiring.)

In addition, the four (4) highest orders will receive their choice of one of 4 wonderful Stampin' Up items. Items are shown below. All sets are new (either new and uncut, or mounted and unused.) List your top 3 choices on your order (see below for how to order).

Descriptions: Send A Celebration
Stamp a Ma Jig
Holiday Blocks
Happy Harmony

How to Get Your Retirement Gift:
1 Place an order of $35 or more between June 22-26 by midnight, at the very latest. List your items in an email as usual with item number and description to

You may also call in your order to me at 816-785-1551

2 List your top 3 gift choices on your order. The highest order gets first choice, etc.

3 Customers with the 4 highest order totals will be notified and asked to confirm their prize choice!

4. Orders of $35 + can be from used stamp sale bids, product from the retiring catalog including stamps and accessories or any combination.

5. Contact me for a complete list of used stamp sets that I have and put your bid in now!

6. Choose to place an IN COLOR COMBO ORDER - this order includes 1 reinker of each of the 6 in colors + 1 pkg of 8.5 x 11 cs of each in color for $48.00 (free shipping) or for an additional $30.00 you can receive each classic in color ink pad as well= $78.00 (which is over 15% savings) These hot trendy colors will NEVER be available again - so don't miss out. And if you already have the ink pads I highly advise you to purchase the refills - this will extend the life of your ink pads for many years to come.

7. Remember RETIRING ACCESSORIES may sell out early - so contact me today for the widest selection!

Retiring Accessories can be found at this link:

Retiring Stamp Sets can be found at this link:

Retiring Spring Mini Catalog items can be found at this link:

The Retiring 2006-07 Catalog/Idea Book can be found at this link:

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