Thursday, February 19, 2009

Scrap Map of the Month

Ok So I set a goal to designate 1 day each month to do some scrapbooking
Right now I am working on my sons Scout pages so that when he finishes his Eagle Project this spring they will be ready to display at his Court of Honor.
I will admit as this was my first month with this goal the day got away from me. But never fear
today Im featuring the scrap map template that Im using to create the title/cover page of his album.
I loved this idea that was fetured to create an art piece in our Demonstrators magazine from Stampin' Up!
This type of template is also perfect to create a more structured collage that can incorporate photos from all different years, events etc. that summarize a general area of one's life etc.
Right now I have begun cutting all the pieces of paper- that is the most time consuming part of the project - I hope to be able to finish it by early next week. Once I have it completed it I will get a photo and post it. I encourage you to use this scrap map to create your own page.
I would love to share your page with our readers as well.

Thursday, February 5, 2009